
Custom Cloud

Custom Cloud is a typical cloud service selection to choose the optimal cloud services dependent on numerous clashing Quality of Service measures like Response time, Availability, Throughput, Successabilty, Reliability, Compliance, Best Practices according to WS-I Basic Profile, Latency, Documentation and Web Service Relevancy Function using MCDM Methods, Neural Network and Machine Learning.

August 2020 - November 2020

SSDD - Social Distancing and Survellience Drone

A drone for helping and alerting authorities fight COVID-19 by monitoring the public spaces to make people follow social distancing norms using OpenCV(yolo_v3).

January 2020 - May 2020

Stock Basket

An intelligent open-source toolkit to visualize current trends in the stock market with sentimental analysis through breaking news.

August 2019 - November 2019


A guide to navigate rooms in the building using iRobot’s Roomba, LIDAR (SLAM based navigation), speech-to-text and text-to-speech implemented on Raspberry Pi using Python and Cython.

June 2019 - August 2019

SwapIt - OTC Crypto Swapping Platform

A Crypto-Currency swapping platform on ETH Blockchain using Solidity.

January 2019 - May 2019

Auto Complete

An intelligent auto correction keyboard with multiple language support using Python.

August 2018 - November 2018


Exchange Monitoring Platform in Java and JavaScript for Cryptocurrency Exchange.

January 2018 - May 2018


A Delhi Metro Assistant Webpage in Python and JavaScript for Bennett University Staff and Students.

August 2017 - November 2017